Voice Search SEO: Optimize Business Website for Voice Commands

Written by:Manoj Rawat
Published on: Apr 25, 17
5 min read

Voice search seo

The SEO technology has changed from past 10 years and is continuously evolving with the passing time. The search engines have become highly advanced and intuitive, that is why instead of delivering results based on only keywords, major search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. are now showing results based on various implicit signals that align with user intent. Even the regular Google algorithm updates are completely dependent on how technology is upgrading. It has transformed the way users are searching the information online. With the advent of technology and constant innovation, machines are now been developed to comprehend complicated conversational queries, facilitating the humans to search for their desired stuff by speaking directly to the search engines, just like they are speaking to humans using words like “who”, “what”, “why”, etc.

Voice search technology has revolutionized the present scenario and as a result of that people are using voice commands through their smart phones and personal assistant devices to search for stuff instead of typing queries into the search engines and looking for a list of results in SERP. Mark Zuckerburg’s AI Jarvis Assistant is the perfect example of the same.

The voice search has reduced the traditional ‘10 organic listing search results to one’. It delivers highly relevant result in front of the user making the Voice Search SEO more competitive as compared to the normal form of SEO.

Popularity of Voice Search

Due to its comfort, user-friendliness, reliability and amazing accuracy, the Voice search has attained high popularity among the users worldwide. The certainty of voice search has seen immense improvement from past 3 years. A study revealed that the average error rate for voice search in 2013 was 25 percent, which has dropped to 8 percent in the year 2016. In 2015 Google announced that “Near Me” search has doubled in past 1 year and its search volume is rapidly growing. That said, the future of voice search looks promising.

3 Amazing Tips to Optimize Website for Voice Search Queries

If you are looking to optimize your website for voice searches, then you need to stick to some basic trends and techniques of SEO and maintain the focus on posting quality content, being mobile friendly, having an interactive SEO-UX, etc. Apart from this, a special voice search SEO need to be implemented, which will help you to optimize your website for voice searches. However, for the effectiveness of the voice search, you need to focus and toil hard on the queries that humans are using or will possibly use in future.

Tip 1: Optimize Keywords with Long Tails Phrases

As you all know that, people speaks faster as compared to typing. On an average people speaks 150 words per minute as compared to 40 words per minute when typing, which means voice searches are 3 times longer and complicated as compared to typed queries. For example: if you are searching for “ice cream parlor”, then you might type “ice cream parlor near me”, whereas the same query through voice search might be “where is nearest ice cream parlor opened right now?” This is where the search query differs and you can collect a huge amount of insight from the data collected from Google Analytic, Search Console and other keyword research tools like keyword planner, MOZ tool, SEMRush, etc.

You can optimize your keywords which are aligned with the long tail voice search queries that customers are using, alternatively you can also pay attention to the conversation with your customers and analyses what language, words and sentences they are using, which will give you a good insight of long tails phrases that need to be focused.

Tip 2: Generate Communicative and Conversational Content

A survey conducted from ComScore reflects that ‘over half of the total searched will be voice search by 2020’, so keeping that in mind one should work harder in generating and publishing conversational content that delivers direct and precise answers to the user’s voice queries. This doesn’t mean that the traditional way of posting long content will vanish. The content should be published in such a way that it serve users in two distinct perspectives including a direct answer to a query and healthy informative content that users are looking for.

So, when you work on optimizing conversational queries, then you need to focus on several parallel queries that are generated from the main source topic.

For example, if you are optimizing a page content related to “Yoga Classes in India”, then you should focus on conversational queries like:

  • Where can I learn different Yoga asanas in India?
  • List of spiritual tourist places in India
  • Who is best Yoga Guru in India?

These types of long tail conversational voice queries will help you to optimize your site content for a specific topic. Apart from this, you are required to pay attention for structuring your site content in a proper manner, so that it will be very convenient for search engines to display the information that most of the users are looking for. To do this, you need to organize the content in heading, bullets, tabs and by breaking complex topics into different pages.

Tip 3: Optimizing Locally

A research from “Chitika” reveals that, voice searches have more user intent as compared to traditional search as far as local searches are concerned. So, if you are doing local business then voice search SEO should be your top most priority. Optimizing local businesses for voice search should have an easily accessible address and contact details for both users and search engines. Navigational queries and call commands come under most of the voice search queries, so it is always preferred to use driving direction and how to reach content on your page.

Voice search will most likely use reviews, star rating, etc. Therefore, it is always good to work on local directories too like Yelp, Trip Advisor, Foursquare, etc.


Till now, you must have understood the importance of voice search SEO. It’s a new concept that requires constant hard work. It doesn’t mean that voice search will completely replace traditional search. Voice search will just be treated as an extension of search channels that people are using currently.