Foodie Digitians

Written by:DMLabs
Published on: Mar 06, 15
5 min read

Before starting to write anything I would like to mention just one thing, “WE LOVE FOOD“. Yes, at DigiMantra Labs we are fortunate enough to have a team that needs just “no reason” to party.

We party almost every week and it makes our work environment so cool. If you are following DigiMantra Labs Facebook Page then you already know that how much fun we have at work.

The most common reason for the party is “It’s Friday”. Food gives us energy to multiply the productivity and also gives a moment to re-think that we eat a lot, but only until “next party”.

To be honest, it’s not about food or party, it’s about how we enjoy it together like a “True team”. This gives us a chance to sit together chit-chat about some of the latest burning issues like “Which new food joint is better for weekend outing?”.

Believe it or not, our office is one such place where you have no restrictions to party. We can party almost every day of the week *burps*.  Unlike other offices, our seniors “promote” & “throw” weekly parties themselves.

I think we should have a separate “Food Blog” where we write about all the food adventures that we do at DigiMantra Labs. I am sure many of your envy us, but don’t be so – as we love having guests, so visit us some time. *smile*

Oh! Did I forget to mention that during festivals our office always has stock for various variety of sweets? And we celebrate all festivals together, by not only eating but also playing games. And yes, we believe in “Sharing is Caring” and that’s why we recently had “Food Festival”.

If you think your workplace has awesome foodies like ours, don’t forget to leave comment below and let us know!

Always Digitizing!