How to gain more traffic for your Business?

Written by:DMLabs
Published on: Sep 08, 17
5 min read

SEO companies usually follow a simple process; they identify how people search for the products and then optimize the pages and websites so that searcher’s intent can be matched. But this process cannot be simple always. What to do when businesses have right pages but are unable to rank higher. And, what if the website is getting enough traffic but it is less to meet the business growth?  

How to gain more traffic for your Business

Let’s talk about a few tactics how SEO companies build relevant organic traffic by increasing the market size, rather than concentrating on getting a higher rank. One of the best things about these tactics is businesses do not have to build a single link, neither do they have to make any changes to the existing pages.  

Conquer Neighbouring areas: This is a popular SEO tactic, where specialists must keep a close watch at the reasonably uncompetitive verticals that are adjacent to their own. This offers businesses an additional advantage because they have a brand, domain, and a website to build upon. This helps them to identify the keyword opportunities, their landing page quality and the extent to which those websites have done their SEO and if they can in any way do better than them. 

Depending on the vertical a business is into, it has the opportunity to attract potential customers through some offers. For example, people are not likely to buy expensive products online because they will shirk from doing so without professional advice. A page which shows, “best laptops under Rs.40000/- or best laptops for gaming, can encourage people to buy online rather than buying it from a physical store.  

Identify your website’s good and bad links: Since a few years, back links have been an integral part of SEO. If you are serious about back links, it is important to realize which back links help and which ones are threats for the business ranking. You should analyze your site’s back links and compare their value.  

Tell potential customers that your vertical exists: Sometimes, it may be possible that customers do not even know you exist. They may never have heard your name, so it is important to be present where your customers are. Look for demographic targeting and exceptionally good content.  

Answer users questions and problems: If you own an online business, you might receive questions from potential/ existing clients. It is good to have detailed articles written and posted on the website which addresses concerns of users.  

Is your business struggling to get more traffic and enhance sales get in touch with DigiMantra Labs for effective yet affordable SEO packages