Kill these mobile marketing strategies right away!

Written by:DMLabs
Published on: Apr 07, 15
5 min read

Technology and innovation have a way about themselves– it’s all about timing! If you fail to tap into the early birds in any new technology outbreak, you will miss the train, and might find yourself hitting dead snakes towards the end of the life cycle of the technology. And mobile marketing is no different.

While following the leaders like a flock of sheep seems to be the most obvious resort, innovative marketers know that following traditional strategies blindly won’t take them anywhere in terms of establishing an online presence. They know which strategies to pick and which to do away with. Thus, for the intelligent marketers, we highlight 5 mobile marketing strategies in this post which you should stop following right now.

Mobile Marketing Strategies

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1. Random, Un-thoughtful Advertising

In today’s competitive and marketing infatuated world, almost everyone is advertising. Everyone from big companies to small mama-and-papa shops are spending hefty amounts on advertising their products and services– so what different would you make, by blindly promoting. When it comes to effective product promotions today, it is important to advertise with intent and tell relevant customers about products that would interest them.

2. Binging on data about anything and everything

The advent and use of big data and platforms such as Hadoop has revolutionarised data storage and processing, but this should not mean every bit and piece of data is important to be gathered. Data is one thing, but it is the information housed in the data which when processed and understood effectively would give you the desired inputs for your marketing strategy.

3. Ignoring Strategy Test Runs

Every mobile marketer makes strategies for tapping an increased customer base, but it is also crucial to implement these strategies in a sandpit environment, before rolling it out on live stage. A strategy might prove effective on paper, but it bringing desired results on the perceived consumer base is a whole new ball game; so always be ready with an alternate strategy – in which this pre-launch testing can work wonders.

4. To bombard Customers with Your Presence

It is extremely easy to reach out to customers today through pop-ups, newsletter, reminders etc., but over-doing it can cause the customers to get erratic and wary of being interested in your marketed product. Build an image of your professional ways by keeping the promotional strategies subtle, and well-timed.

5. Changing the Look and Feel of Your Web Avenue Too Often

This might be a tempting thing to do for most mobile web avenue owners, but might not prove lucrative, as it might lead the customers to find it tough to relate to your physical presence.

Always Digitizing!