The XR, AR, VR, MR revolution and its impact on Tech

Written by:Team DigiMantra
Published on: Jun 05, 2024
5 min read

Have you ever envisioned stepping into a virtual world, exploring ancient Rome, or learning how to fix your car engine with a holographic instructor by your side?

The realm of science fiction is rapidly turning into reality, thanks to the XR revolution, which encompasses a range of technologies collectively known as extended reality. XR blurs the lines between the physical and digital worlds, significantly altering how we interact with the world around us.

So, what exactly is XR? And how are its constituent parts, Augmented reality (AR), Virtual reality (VR) and Mixed reality (MR), impacting the tech landscape?

This blog explores the intriguing world of XR. We’ll look at its core technologies, examine the key contrasts between them, and learn about the benefits of extended reality, which are defining the future of technology.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Think about Pokémon Go, in which virtual monsters appear on your phone screen as you walk around. AR superimposes digital information on the actual world in real time. That’s the power of AR – it seamlessly blends the digital with the physical, creating a whole new way to experience things.

It utilizes cameras and sensors in smartphones or smart glasses to recognize the environment and superimpose computer-generated elements like text, 3D models, or animations.

Pokemon Go Game example of AR & XR

AR in the Real World: AR’s impact on Tech 

 While catching Pokémon GO was a fun introduction to the world of Augmented Reality (AR), it marked the beginning of a technological revolution that has since expanded to transform the dimensions of various industries, from entertainment and education to healthcare, retail, and beyond.

Let’s dive into the exciting ways AR is impacting the tech landscape and explore the limitless potential it holds for the future.

Revolutionizing Education

Imagine learning about the solar system by putting your phone up to the night sky and seeing planets appear with labels and information.

Several apps, such as MERGE CUBE and SKY-MAP, employ Augmented Reality to make learning more dynamic and engaging.

Girl wearing AR headset

Transforming Shopping

No more endless trips to the furniture store!

Apps like IKEA PLACE allow you to digitally arrange furniture in your living space and see how it looks before purchasing it.

AR apps like YOUCAM MAKEUP allow you to try on makeup virtually, helping you find the perfect shade without leaving home.

Furniture placement with XR

Boosting Management and Repair 

 Struggling to fix a leaky faucet? No worries!

SNAP AR allows technicians to share live video feeds with remote experts who can overlay instructions and guide them through repairs.

The Future of Navigation 

Getting lost is a part of life.

Well, not anymore!

AR navigation apps like GOOGLE MAPS offer walking directions that appear right in front of your eyes. Imagine exploring a new city with arrows guiding you on your phone, letting you enjoy the scenery without getting lost.

Virtual Reality (VR) 

Ever wished you could travel the world without booking a flight, or train for a dangerous job without any risk? Well, buckle up because virtual reality (VR) is here to make those dreams a reality.

Virtual reality puts users in an entirely computer-generated environment.

Headsets such as Oculus Quest shut out the physical world and transport users to a realistic digital realm, whether it’s a breathtaking countryside landscape or a virtual classroom.

VR experiences frequently use motion-tracking technology, which allow users to interact with the virtual environment through body motions.

Boy wearing VR Headset experiencing XR

VR in Action: Impact in Real World 

While VR & video games are commonly linked, its potential goes well beyond entertainment.

Learning Gets an Upgrade 

Avoid dull textbooks!

VR apps like GOOGLE EXPEDITIONS and TITANS OF SPACE let students virtually explore historical landmarks or travel through the human body in 3D.

VR makes learning interactive and unforgettable.

Training Like a Pro 

VR allows for incredibly realistic training simulations in various professions.

STRIVR allows pilots to practice flying in virtual cockpits, while MINDLEAP VR lets surgeons perfect their abilities in simulated operating rooms.

This immersive training prepares workers for real-world circumstances in a secure and controlled setting.

VR in Healthcare 

VR has therapeutic applications in treating phobias and anxiety disorders.

Patients can confront their fears in a safe, controlled virtual environment with applications like PSIOUS.

VR can also be used for pain management and physical therapy.

Doctor using VR

Mixed Reality (MR) 

Remember that time you saw people walking around catching virtual creatures on their phones? That was Augmented Reality (AR), but what if those creatures could interact with the real world? That’s mind-blowing concept of Mixed Reality (MR).

MR: Combined Output of AR & VR

MR headsets transmit virtual objects into the actual world, but these elements can interact with the physical environment.

Imagine placing a virtual couch in your living room to see how it looks before you buy it. That’s the unimaginable power of MR.

MR: From Fixing to Designing 

MR isn’t just a futuristic concept: it’s being used in exciting ways across various industries.

Design and Manufacturing 

Engineers can use MR to design and visualize complex products in a 3D space.

This enables improved collaboration and early detection of possible difficulties.

Apps such as BMW’s MR Quality Control Tool check and analyze complex automotive parts, therefore boosting quality and eliminating flaws.

Mixed Reality for Product Engineering

Boosting Maintenance and Repair Services 

Technicians can utilize MR headsets to obtain step-by-step directions while highlighted components are shown immediately on the machines they’re working on.

This can help to speed up troubleshooting operations, as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist already uses MR for remote cooperation during repairs.

Retail and Shopping 

MR apps can take the guesswork out of furniture shopping. Imagine virtually placing furniture in your living room to see how it fits and looks before you buy it.

This may save you time, money, and those embarrassing moments when your new couch turns out to be far too large for the room!

Houzz is one example of a home design and remodeling company that provides an MR app called View in My Room 3D, which enables users to virtually arrange furniture and décor in their living spaces before purchasing.

Person sitting on home using VR headset


So, we’ve investigated the intriguing worlds of XR, AR, VR, and MR.

These technologies are no longer science fiction; they are quickly becoming a reality. From education and training to shopping and even healthcare, XR has the potential to change every area of our existence.

But XR is more than simply shiny devices and exciting experiences. It is about pushing the boundaries of human-computer interaction and envisioning a future in which the physical and digital worlds mix seamlessly, the possibilities are limitless.

As XR technology advances and becomes more affordable, we may expect more ground-breaking applications to emerge. The future of XR appears promising, with the potential to study, explore, and interact in ways we never imagined imaginable.

So, buckle up and prepare for a fantastic journey! Who knows, maybe you’ll be exploring virtual universes or creating your dream home in MR next year!

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