
A Node.js Middleware for Rate Limiting


FlexibleFlexible RateRate LimitingLimiting


Time Windows

Define the time window (e.g., per second, per minute) within which requests are requests are counted.


Customizable Limits

Set the maximum number of requests allowed during the specified window.


Dynamic Adjustment

Adjust the limits based on various factors like user roles, API keys, or real-time traffic.


Rate Limiting and Throttling

Implement either rate limiting (rejecting excess requests) or throttling (delaying requests) based on the chosen approach.


SimpleSimple IntegrationIntegration


Middleware in Node.js

Easily integrate Digi-Rate-Limiter as middleware in your Node.js application, typically using frameworks like Express.js.


Express.js Example

The middleware is designed to work seamlessly with Express.js, allowing you to apply rate limiting to specific routes or globally.


Customizable Application

Integrate Digi-Rate-Limiter with your existing authentication and authorization systems to implement user-specific rate limits.


IP-BasedIP-Based RateRate LimitingLimiting


Default Behavior

By default, the middleware identifies clients by their IP address, allowing you to limit requests from individual IPs.


Fine-Grained Control

Apply different limits to different IP ranges or groups of users based on their IP addresses.


Network Security

Prevent malicious or abusive requests by restricting the rate at which individual IP addresses can access your server.

User-BasedUser-Based RateRate LimitingLimiting

API Keys

Use API keys to identify users and apply rate limits based on individual keys, ensuring that each key has its own rate limit.

User IDs

Leverage user IDs from your authentication system to enforce per-user rate limits, ensuring that users are not exceeding their allotted request rates.

Customizable Rules

Create flexible rate limiting rules based on user roles, subscriptions, or other factors relevant to your application.


DevelopmentDevelopment andand TestingTesting


Clone the Repository

Obtain the source code from the Digi-Rate-Limiter repository on GitHub.


Install Dependencies

Install the required Node.js packages using npm or yarn.


Run Tests

Execute the unit tests to ensure that the middleware is functioning as expected.


Modify and Improve

Contribute to the development by fixing bugs, adding features, or enhancing the documentation.

ContributingContributing toto Digi-Rate-LimiterDigi-Rate-Limiter

Open Issues

Use API keys to identify users and apply rate limits based on individual keys, ensuring that each key has its own rate limit.

Submit Pull Requests

Contribute your code changes to the project, ensuring that they meet the project's coding standards.

Documentation Updates

Enhance the documentation to improve clarity, add new features, or fix any errors.

GetGet StartedStarted

Explore the Digi-Rate-Limiter repository on GitHub to see the source code and contribute to the project. Install the library using NPM or yarn . Begin building your rate limiting solution today and see how it can enhance your API's security and performance.
